
export const VISIBLE_DISTANCE = 3570.0;
export const MAX_RENDERED_NODES = 1000;

export const NW = 0;
export const NE = 1;
export const SW = 2;
export const SE = 3;

export const N = 0;
export const E = 1;
export const S = 2;
export const W = 3;

export const NOTRENDERING = 0;
export const RENDERING = 1;
export const WALKTHROUGH = 2;

 * World opposite side table.
export const OPSIDE = [S, W, N, E];

 * First index is {N,E,S,W} and second is {NW,NE,SW,SE}
export const NEIGHBOUR = [
    [-1, -1, NW, NE],
    [NE, -1, SE, -1],
    [SW, SE, -1, -1],
    [-1, NW, -1, SW]

 * Neighbor's oposite part. For example oposite side
 * on the east neighbor side is: [S][SE] = NE
export const OPPART = [
    [SW, SE, NW, NE],
    [NE, NW, SE, SW],
    [SW, SE, NW, NE],
    [NE, NW, SE, SW]

 * Neighbos's opside array order. For example NW node
 * by E side array index is 0, SE node by S side is 1.
export const NOPSORD = [
    [0, 1, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 1],
    [0, 1, 0, 1],
    [0, 0, 1, 1]

 * First index is {NW,NE,SW,SE}, another one is {N,E,S,W}
export const COMSIDE = [
    [true, false, false, true],
    [true, true, false, false],
    [false, false, true, true],
    [false, true, true, false]

 * Gets segment part left to right or up to downo ffset against neighbour side.
 * Where 0 - no offset 1 - half segment size offset.
export const PARTOFFSET = [
    /*     N  E  S  W */
    /*NW*/ [0, 1, 0, 0],
    /*NE*/ [1, 0, 0, 0],
    /*SW*/ [0, 1, 0, 1],
    /*SE*/ [1, 1, 1, 1]