
import * as math from "../math";
import {BillboardHandler} from "./BillboardHandler";
import {createEvents, EventsHandler} from "../Events";
import {Entity} from "./Entity";
import {Ellipsoid} from "../ellipsoid/Ellipsoid";
import {EntityCollectionNode} from "../quadTree/EntityCollectionNode";
import {GeoObjectHandler} from "./GeoObjectHandler";
import {Label} from "./Label";
import {LabelHandler} from "./LabelHandler";
import {NumberArray3} from "../math/Vec3";
import {Planet} from "../scene/Planet";
import {PointCloudHandler} from "./PointCloudHandler";
import {PolylineHandler} from "./PolylineHandler";
import {RayHandler} from "./RayHandler";
import {RenderNode} from "../scene/RenderNode";
import {StripHandler} from "./StripHandler";
import {Vector} from "../layer/Vector";

export type EntityCollectionEvents = EventsHandler<EntityCollectionEventList>;

interface IEntityCollectionParams {
    polygonOffsetUnits?: number;
    visibility?: boolean;
    labelMaxLetters?: number;
    pickingEnabled?: boolean;
    scaleByDistance?: NumberArray3;
    pickingScale?: number | NumberArray3;
    opacity?: number;
    useLighting?: boolean;
    entities?: Entity[];

 * An observable collection of og.Entity instances where each entity has a unique id.
 * Entity collection provide handlers for each type of entity like billboard, label or 3ds object.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} [options] - Entity options:
 * @param {Array.<Entity>} [options.entities] - Entities array.
 * @param {boolean} [options.visibility=true] - Entity visibility.
 * @param {Array.<number>} [options.scaleByDistance] - Entity scale by distance parameters. (exactly 3 entries)
 * First index - near distance to the entity, after entity becomes full scale.
 * Second index - far distance to the entity, when entity becomes zero scale.
 * Third index - far distance to the entity, when entity becomes invisible.
 * @param {number} [options.opacity] - Entity global opacity.
 * @param {boolean} [options.pickingEnabled=true] - Entity picking enable.
 * @param {Number} [options.polygonOffsetUnits=0.0] - The multiplier by which an implementation-specific value is multiplied with to create a constant depth offset. The default value is 0.
 * //@fires EntityCollection#entitymove
 * @fires EntityCollection#draw
 * @fires EntityCollection#drawend
 * @fires EntityCollection#add
 * @fires EntityCollection#remove
 * @fires EntityCollection#entityadd
 * @fires EntityCollection#entityremove
 * @fires EntityCollection#visibilitychange
 * @fires EntityCollection#mousemove
 * @fires EntityCollection#mouseenter
 * @fires EntityCollection#mouseleave
 * @fires EntityCollection#lclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#rclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#mclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#ldblclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#rdblclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#mdblclick
 * @fires EntityCollection#lup
 * @fires EntityCollection#rup
 * @fires EntityCollection#mup
 * @fires EntityCollection#ldown
 * @fires EntityCollection#rdown
 * @fires EntityCollection#mdown
 * @fires EntityCollection#lhold
 * @fires EntityCollection#rhold
 * @fires EntityCollection#mhold
 * @fires EntityCollection#mousewheel
 * @fires EntityCollection#touchmove
 * @fires EntityCollection#touchstart
 * @fires EntityCollection#touchend
 * @fires EntityCollection#doubletouch
 * @fires EntityCollection#touchleave
 * @fires EntityCollection#touchenter
class EntityCollection {

    static __counter__: number = 0;

     * Uniq identifier.
     * @public
     * @readonly
    protected __id: number;

     * Render node collections array index.
     * @protected
     * @type {number}
    protected _renderNodeIndex: number;

     * Render node context.
     * @public
     * @type {RenderNode}
    public renderNode: RenderNode | null;

     * Visibility option.
     * @public
     * @type {boolean}
    public _visibility: boolean;

     * Specifies the scale Units for gl.polygonOffset function to calculate depth values, 0.0 is default.
     * @public
     * @type {Number}
    public polygonOffsetUnits: number;

     * Billboards handler
     * @public
     * @type {BillboardHandler}
    public billboardHandler: BillboardHandler;

     * Labels handler
     * @public
     * @type {LabelHandler}
    public labelHandler: LabelHandler;

     * Polyline handler
     * @public
     * @type {PolylineHandler}
    public polylineHandler: PolylineHandler;

     * Ray handler
     * @public
     * @type {RayHandler}
    public rayHandler: RayHandler;

     * PointCloud handler
     * @public
     * @type {PointCloudHandler}
    public pointCloudHandler: PointCloudHandler;

     * Strip handler
     * @public
     * @type {StripHandler}
    public stripHandler: StripHandler;

     * Geo object handler
     * @public
     * @type {GeoObjectHandler}
    public geoObjectHandler: GeoObjectHandler;

     * Entities array.
     * @public
     * @type {Array.<Entity>}
    public _entities: Entity[];

     * First index - near distance to the entity, after entity becomes full scale.
     * Second index - far distance to the entity, when entity becomes zero scale.
     * Third index - far distance to the entity, when entity becomes invisible.
     * @public
     * @type {Array.<number>} - (exactly 3 entries)
    public scaleByDistance: NumberArray3;

    public pickingScale: Float32Array;

     * Global opacity.
     * @protected
     * @type {number}
    protected _opacity: number;

     * Opacity state during the animated opacity.
     * @public
     * @type {number}
    public _fadingOpacity: number;

     * Entity collection events handler.
     * @public
     * @type {EntityCollectionEvents}
    public events: EntityCollectionEvents;

    public rendererEvents: EntityCollectionEvents;

     * Used in EntityCollectionNode, also could be merged with _quadNode
    public _layer?: Vector;
    public _quadNode?: EntityCollectionNode;

    public _useLighting: number;

    constructor(options: IEntityCollectionParams = {}) {

        this.__id = EntityCollection.__counter__++;

        this._renderNodeIndex = -1;

        this.renderNode = null;

        this._visibility = options.visibility == undefined ? true : options.visibility;

        this.polygonOffsetUnits =
            options.polygonOffsetUnits != undefined ? options.polygonOffsetUnits : 0.0;

        this.billboardHandler = new BillboardHandler(this);

        this.labelHandler = new LabelHandler(this, options.labelMaxLetters);

        this.polylineHandler = new PolylineHandler(this);

        this.rayHandler = new RayHandler(this);

        this.pointCloudHandler = new PointCloudHandler(this);

        this.stripHandler = new StripHandler(this);

        this.geoObjectHandler = new GeoObjectHandler(this);

        if (options.pickingEnabled != undefined) {

        this._entities = [];

        this.scaleByDistance = options.scaleByDistance || [math.MAX32, math.MAX32, math.MAX32];

        let pickingScale: Float32Array = new Float32Array([1.0, 1.0, 1.0]);
        if (options.pickingScale !== undefined) {
            if (options.pickingScale instanceof Array) {
                pickingScale[0] = options.pickingScale[0] || pickingScale[0];
                pickingScale[1] = options.pickingScale[1] || pickingScale[1];
                pickingScale[2] = options.pickingScale[2] || pickingScale[2];
            } else if (typeof options.pickingScale === 'number') {
                pickingScale[0] = options.pickingScale;
                pickingScale[1] = options.pickingScale;
                pickingScale[2] = options.pickingScale;

        this.pickingScale = pickingScale;

        this._opacity = options.opacity == undefined ? 1.0 : options.opacity;

        this._fadingOpacity = this._opacity;

        this.events = this.rendererEvents = createEvents<EntityCollectionEventList>(ENTITYCOLLECTION_EVENTS, this);

        this._useLighting = options.useLighting != undefined ? (options.useLighting ? 1.0 : 0.0) : 1.0;

        // initialize current entities
        if (options.entities) {

    get id(): number {
        return this.__id;

    public get useLighting(): boolean {
        return Boolean(this._useLighting)

    public set useLighting(f: boolean) {
        this._useLighting = Number(f);

    public isEqual(ec: EntityCollection): boolean {
        return this.__id === ec.__id;

     * Sets collection visibility.
     * @public
     * @param {boolean} visibility - Visibility flag.
    public setVisibility(visibility: boolean) {
        this._visibility = visibility;
        this._fadingOpacity = this._opacity * (visibility ? 1 : 0);
        this.events.dispatch(this.events.visibilitychange, this);

     * Returns collection visibility.
     * @public
     * @returns {boolean} -
    public getVisibility(): boolean {
        return this._visibility;

     * Sets collection opacity.
     * @public
     * @param {number} opacity - Opacity.
    public setOpacity(opacity: number) {
        this._opacity = opacity;

     * Sets collection picking ability.
     * @public
     * @param {boolean} enable - Picking enable flag.
    public setPickingEnabled(enable: boolean) {
        this.billboardHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.labelHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.polylineHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.rayHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.pointCloudHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.stripHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;
        this.geoObjectHandler.pickingEnabled = enable;

     * Gets collection opacity.
     * @public
     * @returns {number} -
    public getOpacity(): number {
        return this._opacity;

     * Sets scale by distance parameters.
     * @public
     * @param {number} near - Full scale entity distance.
     * @param {number} far - Zero scale entity distance.
     * @param {number} [farInvisible] - Entity visibility distance.
    public setScaleByDistance(near: number, far: number, farInvisible?: number) {
        this.scaleByDistance[0] = near;
        this.scaleByDistance[1] = far;
        this.scaleByDistance[2] = farInvisible || math.MAX32;

    public appendChildEntity(entity: Entity) {

    protected _addRecursively(entity: Entity) {
        // billboard
        entity.billboard && this.billboardHandler.add(entity.billboard);

        // label
        entity.label && this.labelHandler.add(entity.label);

        // polyline
        entity.polyline && this.polylineHandler.add(entity.polyline);

        // ray
        entity.ray && this.rayHandler.add(entity.ray);

        // pointCloud
        entity.pointCloud && this.pointCloudHandler.add(entity.pointCloud);

        // strip
        entity.strip && this.stripHandler.add(entity.strip);

        entity.geoObject && this.geoObjectHandler.add(entity.geoObject);

        this.events.dispatch(this.events.entityadd, entity);

        let rn: RenderNode | null = this.renderNode;
        for (let i = 0; i < entity.childrenNodes.length; i++) {
            entity.childrenNodes[i]._entityCollection = this;
            entity.childrenNodes[i]._entityCollectionIndex = entity._entityCollectionIndex;
            if (entity.childrenNodes[i]._independentPicking) {
                if (rn) {
                    rn.renderer && rn.renderer.assignPickingColor<Entity>(entity.childrenNodes[i]);
            } else {
                entity.childrenNodes[i]._pickingColor = entity._pickingColor;

     * Adds entity to the collection and returns collection.
     * @public
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity.
     * @returns {EntityCollection} -
    public add(entity: Entity): EntityCollection {
        if (!entity._entityCollection) {
            entity._entityCollection = this;
            entity._entityCollectionIndex = this._entities.length;
            let rn: RenderNode | null = this.renderNode;
            if (rn) {
                rn.renderer && rn.renderer.assignPickingColor<Entity>(entity);
                if ((rn as Planet).ellipsoid && entity._cartesian.isZero()) {
                    entity.setCartesian3v((rn as Planet).ellipsoid.lonLatToCartesian(entity._lonLat));
        return this;

     * Adds entities array to the collection and returns collection.
     * @public
     * @param {Array.<Entity>} entities - Entities array.
     * @returns {EntityCollection} -
    public addEntities(entities: Entity[]): EntityCollection {
        for (let i = 0, len = entities.length; i < len; i++) {
        return this;

     * Returns true if the entity belongs this collection, otherwise returns false.
     * @public
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity.
     * @returns {boolean} -
    public belongs(entity: Entity) {
        return entity._entityCollection && this._renderNodeIndex === entity._entityCollection._renderNodeIndex;

    protected _removeRecursively(entity: Entity) {
        entity._entityCollection = null;
        entity._entityCollectionIndex = -1;

        // billboard
        entity.billboard && this.billboardHandler.remove(entity.billboard);

        // label
        entity.label && this.labelHandler.remove(entity.label);

        // polyline
        entity.polyline && this.polylineHandler.remove(entity.polyline);

        // ray
        entity.ray && this.rayHandler.remove(entity.ray);

        // pointCloud
        entity.pointCloud && this.pointCloudHandler.remove(entity.pointCloud);

        // strip
        entity.strip && this.stripHandler.remove(entity.strip);

        // geoObject
        entity.geoObject && this.geoObjectHandler.remove(entity.geoObject);

        for (let i = 0; i < entity.childrenNodes.length; i++) {

     * Removes entity from this collection.
     * @public
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity to remove.
    public removeEntity(entity: Entity) {
        this._entities.splice(entity._entityCollectionIndex, 1);

        // clear picking color
        if (this.renderNode && this.renderNode.renderer) {

        if (this.belongs(entity)) {

        this.events.dispatch(this.events.entityremove, entity);

    public _removeEntitySilent(entity: Entity) {
        this._entities.splice(entity._entityCollectionIndex, 1);

        // clear picking color
        if (this.renderNode && this.renderNode.renderer) {

        if (this.belongs(entity)) {

     * Creates or refresh collected entities picking color.
     * @public
    public createPickingColors() {
        if (!(this.renderNode && this.renderNode.renderer)) return;
        let e = this._entities;
        for (let i = 0; i < e.length; i++) {
            if (!e[i].parent) {

     * Refresh collected entities indexes from startIndex entities collection array position.
     * @public
     * @param {number} startIndex - Entities collection array index.
    public reindexEntitiesArray(startIndex: number) {
        let e = this._entities;
        for (let i = startIndex; i < e.length; i++) {
            e[i]._entityCollectionIndex = i;

     * Adds this collection to render node.
     * @public
     * @param {RenderNode} renderNode - Render node.
     * @param {boolean} [isHidden] - Uses in vector layers that render in planet render specific function.
     * @returns {EntityCollection} -
    public addTo(renderNode: RenderNode, isHidden: boolean = false) {
        if (!this.renderNode) {
            this.renderNode = renderNode;

            if (!isHidden) {
                this._renderNodeIndex = renderNode.entityCollections.length;

            (renderNode as Planet).ellipsoid && this._updateGeodeticCoordinates((renderNode as Planet).ellipsoid);


            this.events.dispatch(this.events.add, this);
        return this;

     * This function is called in the RenderNode assign function.
     * @public
     * @param {RenderNode} renderNode
    public bindRenderNode(renderNode: RenderNode) {
        if (renderNode.renderer && renderNode.renderer.isInitialized()) {


            this.geoObjectHandler.setRenderNode(renderNode as Planet);


     * Updates coordinates all lonLat entities in collection after collection attached to the planet node.
     * @protected
     * @param {Ellipsoid} ellipsoid - Globe ellipsoid.
    protected _updateGeodeticCoordinates(ellipsoid: Ellipsoid) {
        let e = this._entities;
        let i = e.length;
        while (i--) {
            let ei = e[i];
            ei._lonLat && ei.setCartesian3v(ellipsoid.lonLatToCartesian(ei._lonLat));

     * Updates billboard texture atlas.
     * @public
    public updateBillboardsTextureAtlas() {
        let b = this.billboardHandler.billboards;
        for (let i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {

     * Updates labels font atlas.
     * @public
    public updateLabelsFontAtlas() {
        if (this.renderNode) {
            // let l = ([] as Label[]).concat(this.labelHandler.labels);
            // this.labelHandler._billboards = [];
            // for (let i = 0; i < l.length; i++) {
            //     this.labelHandler.assignFontAtlas(l[i]);
            // }

     * Removes collection from render node.
     * @public
    public remove() {
        if (this.renderNode) {
            if (this._renderNodeIndex !== -1) {
                this.renderNode.entityCollections.splice(this._renderNodeIndex, 1);
                // reindex in the renderNode
                for (let i = this._renderNodeIndex; i < this.renderNode.entityCollections.length; i++) {
                    this.renderNode.entityCollections[i]._renderNodeIndex = i;
            this.renderNode = null;
            this._renderNodeIndex = -1;
            this.events.dispatch(this.events.remove, this);

     * Gets entity array.
     * @public
     * @returns {Array.<Entity>} -
    public getEntities(): Entity[] {
        return ([] as Entity[]).concat(this._entities);

     * Safety entities loop.
     * @public
     * @param {function} callback - Entity callback.
    public each(callback: Function) {
        let i = this._entities.length;
        while (i--) {
            let ei = this._entities[i];
            ei && callback(ei);

     * Removes all entities from collection and clear handlers.
     * @public
    public clear() {
        // TODO: Optimize by replace delete
        // code to the clearEntity function.

        let i = this._entities.length;
        while (i--) {
            let ei = this._entities[i];
            if (this.renderNode && this.renderNode.renderer) {
        this._entities.length = 0;
        this._entities = [];

     * Clears entity recursively.
     * @private
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity to clear.
    protected _clearEntity(entity: Entity) {
        entity._entityCollection = null;
        entity._entityCollectionIndex = -1;
        for (let i = 0; i < entity.childrenNodes.length; i++) {

type EntityCollectionEventList = [

const ENTITYCOLLECTION_EVENTS: EntityCollectionEventList = [
    // /**
    //  * Triggered when entity has moved.
    //  * @event EntityCollection#entitymove
    //  */
    // "entitymove",

     * Triggered when collection entities begin draw.
     * @event EntityCollection#draw

     * Triggered after collection has drawn.
     * @event EntityCollection#drawend

     * Triggered when added to the render node.
     * @event EntityCollection#add

     * Triggered when removed from the render node.
     * @event EntityCollection#remove

     * Triggered when new entity added to the collection.
     * @event EntityCollection#entityadd

     * Triggered when entity removes from the collection.
     * @event EntityCollection#entityremove

     * Triggered when visibility changes.
     * @event EntityCollection#visibilitychange

     * Triggered when mouse moves over the entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#mousemove

     * Triggered when mouse has entered over the entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#mouseenter

     * Triggered when mouse leaves the entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#mouseleave

     * Mouse left button clicked.
     * @event EntityCollection#lclick

     * Mouse right button clicked.
     * @event EntityCollection#rclick

     * Mouse right button clicked.
     * @event EntityCollection#mclick

     * Mouse left button double click.
     * @event EntityCollection#ldblclick

     * Mouse right button double click.
     * @event EntityCollection#rdblclick

     * Mouse middle button double click.
     * @event EntityCollection#mdblclick

     * Mouse left button up(stop pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#lup

     * Mouse right button up(stop pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#rup

     * Mouse middle button up(stop pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#mup

     * Mouse left button is just pressed down(start pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#ldown

     * Mouse right button is just pressed down(start pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#rdown

     * Mouse middle button is just pressed down(start pressing).
     * @event EntityCollection#mdown

     * Mouse left button is pressing.
     * @event EntityCollection#lhold

     * Mouse right button is pressing.
     * @event EntityCollection#rhold

     * Mouse middle button is pressing.
     * @event EntityCollection#mhold

     * Mouse wheel is rotated.
     * @event EntityCollection#mousewheel

     * Triggered when touch moves over the entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#touchmove

     * Triggered when entity begins to touch.
     * @event EntityCollection#touchstart

     * Triggered when entity ends touching.
     * @event EntityCollection#touchend

     * Triggered entity double touch.
     * @event EntityCollection#doubletouch

     * Triggered when touching leaves entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#touchleave

     * Triggered when touch enters over the entity.
     * @event EntityCollection#touchenter

export {EntityCollection};