
"use strict";

import { Box } from "../../bv/Box.js";
import { Sphere } from "../../bv/Sphere.js";
import { Extent } from "../../Extent";
import { Layer } from "../../layer/Layer.js";
import { LonLat } from "../../LonLat";
import { Ray } from "../../math/Ray.js";
import { Vec3 } from "../../math/Vec3";
import * as mercator from "../../mercator";
import { EPSG3857 } from "../../proj/EPSG3857.js";
import { E, N, NOTRENDERING, OPSIDE, S, W } from "../../quadTree/quadTree.js";
import * as segmentHelper from "../../segment/segmentHelper.js";
import { getMatrixSubArray } from "../../utils/shared";

export const MAX_NORMAL_ZOOM = 7;

var _tempHigh = new Vec3();
var _tempLow = new Vec3();

var _RenderingSlice = function (p) {
    this.layers = [];
    this.tileOffsetArr = new Float32Array(p.SLICE_SIZE_4);
    this.visibleExtentOffsetArr = new Float32Array(p.SLICE_SIZE_4);
    this.layerOpacityArr = new Float32Array(p.SLICE_SIZE);

    this.clear = function () {
        this.layers = null;
        this.tileOffsetArr = null;
        this.visibleExtentOffsetArr = null;
        this.layerOpacityArr = null;

let _v0 = new Vec3(),
    _v1 = new Vec3(),
    _v2 = new Vec3(),
    _v3 = new Vec3();

let _ray = new Ray(),
    _rayEx = new Ray();

window.ELLNORM = false;

const _S = new Array(4);
_S[N] = 0;
_S[E] = 1;
_S[S] = 1;
_S[W] = 0;

const _V = new Array(4);
_V[N] = false;
_V[E] = true;
_V[S] = false;
_V[W] = true;

window.BBSC = 100;

 * Planet segment Web Mercator tile class that stored and rendered with quad tree.
 * @class
 * @param {quadTree.Node} node - Segment node.
 * @param {Planet} planet - Current planet scene.
 * @param {Number} tileZoom - Zoom index.
 * @param {Extent} extent - Segment extent.
class Segment {
     * @param {quadTree.Node} node - Segment node.
     * @param {Planet} planet - Current planet scene.
     * @param {number} tileZoom - Zoom index.
     * @param {Extent} extent - Segment extent.
    constructor(node, planet, tileZoom, extent) {
        this.isPole = false;

        this._tileGroup = 0;

        this._projection = EPSG3857;

         * Quad tree node of the segment.
         * @type {quadTree.Node}
        this.node = node;

         * Planet pointer.
         * @type {Planet}
        this.planet = planet;

         * WebGl handler pointer.
         * @type {Handler}
        this.handler = planet.renderer.handler;

         * Segment bounding sphere
         * @type {Sphere}
        this.bsphere = new Sphere();

        this._plainRadius = 0;

         * Segment bounding box.
         * @type {Box}
        this.bbox = new Box();

        this._swNorm = null;
        this._nwNorm = null;
        this._seNorm = null;
        this._neNorm = null;

         * Geographical extent.
         * @type {Extent}
        this._extent = extent;

        this._extentLonLat = null;

         * Vertices grid size.
         * @type {number}
        this.gridSize = planet.terrain.gridSizeByZoom[tileZoom];

        this.fileGridSize = 0;

         * Tile zoom index.
         * @type {number}
        this.tileZoom = tileZoom;

         * Horizontal tile index.
         * @type {number}
        this.tileX = 0;

        this.tileXE = 0;

        this.tileXW = 0;

        this.tileYN = 0;

        this.tileYS = 0;

         * Vertical tile index.
         * @type {number}
        this.tileY = 0;

        this.tileIndex = "";


         * Texture materials array.
         * @type {Array.<planetSegment.Material>}
        this.materials = [];

         * Plain segment vertices was created.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.plainReady = false;

         * Segment is ready to create plain vertices.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.initialized = false;

         * Normal map is allready made.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.normalMapReady = false;

         * Parent normal map is made allready(optimization parameter).
         * @type {boolean}
        this.parentNormalMapReady = false;

         * Terrain is allready applied flag.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.terrainReady = false;

         * Terrain is loading now flag.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.terrainIsLoading = false;

         * Terrain existing flag.
         * @type {boolean}
        this.terrainExists = false;

        this.plainVertices = null;
        this.plainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.plainVerticesLow = null;

        this.plainNormals = null;

        this.terrainVertices = null;
        this.terrainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.terrainVerticesLow = null;
        this.noDataVertices = null;

        this.tempVertices = null;
        this.tempVerticesHigh = null;
        this.tempVerticesLow = null;

        this.normalMapTexture = null;
        this.normalMapTextureBias = new Float32Array(3);
        this.normalMapVertices = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesHigh = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesLow = null;
        this.normalMapNormals = null;

        this.vertexNormalBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferHigh = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferLow = null;
        this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer = null;

        this._globalTextureCoordinates = new Float32Array(4);
        this._inTheQueue = false;
        this._appliedNeighborsZoom = [0, 0, 0, 0];

        this._renderingSlices = [];

        this._indexBuffer = null;

        this.readyToEngage = false;

        this.plainProcessing = false;

     * Returns that segment good for rendering with camera by current lod ratio.
     * @public
     * @param {Camera} camera - Camera object.
     * @returns {boolean} -
    acceptForRendering(camera) {
        return camera.projectedSize(, this._plainRadius) < (256 / this.planet._lodRatio);

     * Returns entity terrain point.
     * @public
     * @param {Entity} entity - Entity.
     * @param {Vec3} res - Point coordinates.
     * @param {Vec3} [normal] - Terrain point normal.
     * @returns {Vec3} -
    getEntityTerrainPoint(entity, res) {
        return this.getTerrainPoint(entity._cartesian, entity._lonLatMerc, res);

    isEntityInside(e) {
        return this._extent.isInside(e._lonLatMerc);

     * Returns distance from object to terrain coordinates and terrain point that calculates out in the res parameter.
     * @public
     * @param {Vec3} xyz - Cartesian object position.
     * @param {LonLat} insideSegmentPosition - Geodetic object position.
     * @param {Vec3} [res] - Result cartesian coordinates on the terrain.
     * @param {Vec3} [normal] - Terrain point normal.
     * @returns {number} -
    getTerrainPoint(xyz, insideSegmentPosition, res) {
        let verts = this.tempVertices;

        if (verts && verts.length) {
            let norm = this.planet.ellipsoid.getSurfaceNormal3v(xyz);
            _ray.set(xyz, norm.negateTo());

            let ne = this._extent.northEast,
                sw = this._extent.southWest,
                size = Math.sqrt(verts.length / 3) - 1;

            let xmax = ne.lon,
                ymax =,
                xmin = sw.lon,
                ymin =,
                x = insideSegmentPosition.lon,
                y =;

            let sxn = xmax - xmin,
                syn = ymax - ymin;

            let qx = sxn / size,
                qy = syn / size;

            let xn = x - xmin,
                yn = y - ymin;

            let indX = Math.floor(xn / qx),
                indY = Math.floor(size - yn / qy);

            let ind_v0 = ((size + 1) * indY + indX) * 3;
            let ind_v2 = ((size + 1) * (indY + 1) + indX) * 3;

            _v0.set(verts[ind_v0], verts[ind_v0 + 1], verts[ind_v0 + 2]);
            _v1.set(verts[ind_v0 + 3], verts[ind_v0 + 4], verts[ind_v0 + 5]);
            _v2.set(verts[ind_v2], verts[ind_v2 + 1], verts[ind_v2 + 2]);

            let d = _ray.hitTriangle(_v0, _v1, _v2, res);

            if (d === Ray.INSIDE) {
                return xyz.distance(res);
            } else if (d === Ray.AWAY) {
                _rayEx.set(xyz, norm);
                let d = _rayEx.hitTriangle(_v0, _v1, _v2, res);
                if (d === Ray.INSIDE) {
                    return -xyz.distance(res);

            _v3.set(verts[ind_v2 + 3], verts[ind_v2 + 4], verts[ind_v2 + 5]);

            d = _ray.hitTriangle(_v1, _v3, _v2, res);
            if (d === Ray.INSIDE) {
                return xyz.distance(res);
            } else if (d === Ray.AWAY) {
                _rayEx.set(xyz, norm);
                let d = _rayEx.hitTriangle(_v1, _v3, _v2, res);
                if (d === Ray.INSIDE) {
                    return -xyz.distance(res);

            if (d === Ray.AWAY) {
                return -xyz.distance(res);

            return xyz.distance(res);
        } else {
            return xyz.distance(this.planet.ellipsoid.hitRay(_ray.origin, _ray.direction));

     * Project wgs86 to segment native projection.
     * @public
     * @param {LonLat} lonlat - Coordinates to project.
     * @returns {LonLat} -
    projectNative(lonLat) {
        return lonLat.forwardMercator();

     * @param {boolean} forceLoading
    loadTerrain(forceLoading) {
        if (this.tileZoom < this.planet.terrain.minZoom) {
            this.terrainIsLoading = true;


            if (!this._inTheQueue) {
        } else {
            if (this.tileZoom > this.planet.terrain.maxZoom) {
            } else if (!this.terrainIsLoading && !this.terrainReady) {
                this.planet.terrain.loadTerrain(this, forceLoading);

     * Terrain obtained from server.
     * @param {Float32Array} elevations - Elevation data.
    elevationsExists(elevations) {
        const segment = this;
        if (this.plainReady && this.terrainIsLoading) {
            this.planet._terrainWorker.make(segment, elevations);

            this.plainVerticesHigh = null;
            this.plainVerticesLow = null;

            this.normalMapVerticesHigh = null;
            this.normalMapVerticesLow = null;

            if (!this.planet.terrain.equalizeVertices) {
                this.tempVerticesHigh = null;
                this.tempVerticesLow = null;

    _checkEqualization(neighborSide, neigborNode) {
        return (
            neigborNode && this.tileZoom >= neigborNode.segment.tileZoom

            //    this.node.equalizedNeighborId[neighborSide] !== neigborNode.appliedTerrainNodeId ||
            //    this.node.equalizedNeighborGridSize[neighborSide] !== neigborNode.segment.gridSize

            //    neigborNode.equalizedNeighborId[OPSIDE[neighborSide]] !== this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId ||
            //    neigborNode.equalizedNeighborGridSize[OPSIDE[neighborSide]] !== this.gridSize

    equalize() {
        if (this.tileZoom < 8 || this.gridSize < 2) {

        this.readyToEngage = true;
        let nn = this.node.neighbors;
        let v = this.tempVertices,
            vHigh = this.tempVerticesHigh,
            vLow = this.tempVerticesLow;
        let gs = this.gridSize,
            gsOne = gs + 1;

        let n = nn[N][0];
        if (this._checkEqualization(N, n)) {
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborId[N] = n.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborGridSize[N] = n.segment.gridSize;

            //n.equalizedNeighborId[OPSIDE[N]] = this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //n.equalizedNeighborGridSize[OPSIDE[N]] = this.gridSize;

            this.readyToEngage = true;

            let offset = this.node.getOffsetOppositeNeighbourSide(n, N);

            let nv = n.segment.tempVertices,
                nvHigh = n.segment.tempVerticesHigh,
                nvLow = n.segment.tempVerticesLow;

            let n_gs = n.segment.gridSize,
                n_gsOne = n_gs + 1;

            let dz = 1 / (1 << (this.tileZoom - n.segment.tileZoom));

            let inc = Math.max(gs / (n_gs * dz), 1),
                n_inc = Math.max((n_gs * dz) / gs, 1),
                n_offset = offset * n_gs;

            for (let k = 0, nk = n_offset; k < gsOne; k += inc, nk += n_inc) {
                const index = k * 3;
                const n_index = (n_gsOne * n_gs + nk) * 3;

                v[index] = nv[n_index];
                v[index + 1] = nv[n_index + 1];
                v[index + 2] = nv[n_index + 2];

                vHigh[index] = nvHigh[n_index];
                vHigh[index + 1] = nvHigh[n_index + 1];
                vHigh[index + 2] = nvHigh[n_index + 2];

                vLow[index] = nvLow[n_index];
                vLow[index + 1] = nvLow[n_index + 1];
                vLow[index + 2] = nvLow[n_index + 2];

        n = nn[E][0];
        if (this._checkEqualization(E, n)) {
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborId[E] = n.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborGridSize[E] = n.segment.gridSize;

            //n.equalizedNeighborId[OPSIDE[E]] = this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //n.equalizedNeighborGridSize[OPSIDE[E]] = this.gridSize;

            this.readyToEngage = true;

            let offset = this.node.getOffsetOppositeNeighbourSide(n, E);

            let nv = n.segment.tempVertices,
                nvHigh = n.segment.tempVerticesHigh,
                nvLow = n.segment.tempVerticesLow;

            let n_gs = n.segment.gridSize,
                n_gsOne = n_gs + 1;

            let dz = 1 / (1 << (this.tileZoom - n.segment.tileZoom));

            let inc = Math.max(gs / (n_gs * dz), 1),
                n_inc = Math.max((n_gs * dz) / gs, 1),
                n_offset = offset * n_gs;

            for (let k = 0, nk = n_offset; k < gsOne; k += inc, nk += n_inc) {
                const index = (gsOne * k + gs) * 3;
                const n_index = n_gsOne * nk * 3;

                v[index] = nv[n_index];
                v[index + 1] = nv[n_index + 1];
                v[index + 2] = nv[n_index + 2];

                vHigh[index] = nvHigh[n_index];
                vHigh[index + 1] = nvHigh[n_index + 1];
                vHigh[index + 2] = nvHigh[n_index + 2];

                vLow[index] = nvLow[n_index];
                vLow[index + 1] = nvLow[n_index + 1];
                vLow[index + 2] = nvLow[n_index + 2];

        n = nn[S][0];
        if (this._checkEqualization(S, n)) {
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborId[S] = n.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborGridSize[S] = n.segment.gridSize;

            //n.equalizedNeighborId[OPSIDE[S]] = this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //n.equalizedNeighborGridSize[OPSIDE[S]] = this.gridSize;

            this.readyToEngage = true;

            let offset = this.node.getOffsetOppositeNeighbourSide(n, S);

            let nv = n.segment.tempVertices,
                nvHigh = n.segment.tempVerticesHigh,
                nvLow = n.segment.tempVerticesLow;

            let n_gs = n.segment.gridSize; // n_gsOne = n_gs + 1;

            let dz = 1 / (1 << (this.tileZoom - n.segment.tileZoom));

            let inc = Math.max(gs / (n_gs * dz), 1),
                n_inc = Math.max((n_gs * dz) / gs, 1),
                n_offset = offset * n_gs;

            for (let k = 0, nk = n_offset; k < gsOne; k += inc, nk += n_inc) {
                const index = (gsOne * gs + k) * 3;
                const n_index = nk * 3;

                v[index] = nv[n_index];
                v[index + 1] = nv[n_index + 1];
                v[index + 2] = nv[n_index + 2];

                vHigh[index] = nvHigh[n_index];
                vHigh[index + 1] = nvHigh[n_index + 1];
                vHigh[index + 2] = nvHigh[n_index + 2];

                vLow[index] = nvLow[n_index];
                vLow[index + 1] = nvLow[n_index + 1];
                vLow[index + 2] = nvLow[n_index + 2];

        n = nn[W][0];
        if (this._checkEqualization(W, n)) {
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborId[W] = n.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //this.node.equalizedNeighborGridSize[W] = n.segment.gridSize;

            //n.equalizedNeighborId[OPSIDE[W]] = this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId;
            //n.equalizedNeighborGridSize[OPSIDE[W]] = this.gridSize;

            this.readyToEngage = true;

            let offset = this.node.getOffsetOppositeNeighbourSide(n, W);

            let nv = n.segment.tempVertices,
                nvHigh = n.segment.tempVerticesHigh,
                nvLow = n.segment.tempVerticesLow;

            let n_gs = n.segment.gridSize,
                n_gsOne = n_gs + 1;

            let dz = 1 / (1 << (this.tileZoom - n.segment.tileZoom));

            let inc = Math.max(gs / (n_gs * dz), 1),
                n_inc = Math.max((n_gs * dz) / gs, 1),
                n_offset = offset * n_gs;

            for (let k = 0, nk = n_offset; k < gsOne; k += inc, nk += n_inc) {
                const index = gsOne * k * 3;
                const n_index = (n_gsOne * nk + n_gs) * 3;

                v[index] = nv[n_index];
                v[index + 1] = nv[n_index + 1];
                v[index + 2] = nv[n_index + 2];

                vHigh[index] = nvHigh[n_index];
                vHigh[index + 1] = nvHigh[n_index + 1];
                vHigh[index + 2] = nvHigh[n_index + 2];

                vLow[index] = nvLow[n_index];
                vLow[index + 1] = nvLow[n_index + 1];
                vLow[index + 2] = nvLow[n_index + 2];

    engage() {
        this.readyToEngage = false;
        this.createCoordsBuffers(this.tempVerticesHigh, this.tempVerticesLow, this.gridSize);

    _plainSegmentWorkerCallback(data) {
        this.plainProcessing = false;

        if (this.initialized && !this.terrainReady) {
            this.plainVertices = data.plainVertices;
            this.plainVerticesHigh = data.plainVerticesHigh;
            this.plainVerticesLow = data.plainVerticesLow;

            this.plainNormals = data.plainNormals;

            this.normalMapNormals = data.normalMapNormals;
            this.normalMapVertices = data.normalMapVertices;
            this.normalMapVerticesHigh = data.normalMapVerticesHigh;
            this.normalMapVerticesLow = data.normalMapVerticesLow;

            this.terrainVertices = this.plainVertices;
            this.terrainVerticesHigh = this.plainVerticesHigh;
            this.terrainVerticesLow = this.plainVerticesLow;

            this.fileGridSize = Math.sqrt(data.normalMapVertices.length / 3) - 1;

            this._plainRadius = data.plainRadius;

            this.plainReady = true;

    _terrainWorkerCallback(data) {
        if (this.plainReady) {
            this.readyToEngage = true;

            this.normalMapNormals = null;

            this.normalMapVertices = null;
            this.normalMapVerticesHigh = null;
            this.normalMapVerticesLow = null;

            this.terrainVertices = null;
            this.terrainVerticesHigh = null;
            this.terrainVerticesLow = null;
            this.noDataVertices = null;

            this.tempVertices = null;
            this.tempVerticesHigh = null;
            this.tempVerticesLow = null;

            this.normalMapNormals = data.normalMapNormals;
            this.normalMapVertices = data.normalMapVertices;
            this.normalMapVerticesHigh = data.normalMapVerticesHigh;
            this.normalMapVerticesLow = data.normalMapVerticesLow;

            this.terrainVertices = data.terrainVertices;
            this.terrainVerticesHigh = data.terrainVerticesHigh;
            this.terrainVerticesLow = data.terrainVerticesLow;

            this.noDataVertices = data.noDataVertices;

            this.tempVertices = this.terrainVertices;
            this.tempVerticesHigh = this.terrainVerticesHigh;
            this.tempVerticesLow = this.terrainVerticesLow;


            //var b = data.bounds;

            //    b[0] + (b[1] - b[0]) * 0.5,
            //    b[2] + (b[3] - b[2]) * 0.5,
            //    b[4] + (b[5] - b[4]) * 0.5,
            //    new Vec3(b[0], b[2], b[4])

            this.gridSize = Math.sqrt(this.terrainVertices.length / 3) - 1;
            this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId = this.node.nodeId;

            this.terrainReady = true;
            this.terrainIsLoading = false;
            this.parentNormalMapReady = true;
            this.terrainExists = true;

            if (!this.normalMapTexturePtr) {
                var nmc = this.planet._normalMapCreator;
                this.normalMapTexturePtr = this.planet.renderer.handler.createEmptyTexture_l(

            if (this.planet.lightEnabled) {

     * Terrain is not obtained or not exists on the server.
    elevationsNotExists() {
        if (this.planet && this.tileZoom <= this.planet.terrain.maxZoom) {
            if (this.plainReady && this.terrainIsLoading) {
                this.terrainIsLoading = false;

                this.node.appliedTerrainNodeId = this.node.nodeId;

                if (this.planet.lightEnabled && !this._inTheQueue) {

                this.readyToEngage = true;

            this.terrainVertices = this.plainVertices;
            this.terrainVerticesHigh = this.plainVerticesHigh;
            this.terrainVerticesLow = this.plainVerticesLow;

            this.tempVertices = this.terrainVertices;
            this.tempVerticesHigh = this.terrainVerticesHigh;
            this.tempVerticesLow = this.terrainVerticesLow;

            this.noDataVertices = null;

            this.fileGridSize = Math.sqrt(this.terrainVertices.length / 3) - 1;
            this.gridSize = this.fileGridSize;
            this.terrainReady = true;
            this.terrainExists = false;
    _normalMapEdgeEqualize(side) {
        let nn = this.node.neighbors;
        let n = nn[side][0];
        let maxZ = this.planet.terrain.maxZoom;

        if (this.tileZoom === maxZ) {
            if (!(nn[0].length || nn[1].length || nn[2].length || nn[3].length)) {
                n = this.node.getEqualNeighbor(side);

        let b = n && n.segment,
            s = this;

        if (
            n &&
            b &&
            b.terrainReady &&
            b.terrainExists &&
            b.tileZoom <= maxZ &&
            s._appliedNeighborsZoom[side] !== b.tileZoom
        ) {
            s._appliedNeighborsZoom[side] = b.tileZoom;

            let seg_a = s.normalMapNormals,
                seg_b = b.normalMapNormals;

            if (!(seg_a && seg_b)) return;

            let seg_a_raw = s.normalMapNormals,
                seg_b_raw = b.normalMapNormals;

            // let seg_a_verts = s.terrainVertices,
            //     seg_b_verts = s.terrainVertices;

            let s_gs = Math.sqrt(seg_a.length / 3),
                // b_gs = Math.sqrt(seg_b.length / 3),
                s_gs1 = s_gs - 1;
            // b_gs1 = b_gs - 1;

            const i_a = s_gs1 * _S[side];

            let nx, ny, nz, q;

            if (s.tileZoom === b.tileZoom) {
                const i_b = s_gs1 - i_a;

                if (_V[side]) {
                    for (let k = 0; k < s_gs; k++) {
                        let vInd_a = (k * s_gs + i_a) * 3,
                            vInd_b = (k * s_gs + i_b) * 3;

                        nx = seg_a_raw[vInd_a] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b];
                        ny = seg_a_raw[vInd_a + 1] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b + 1];
                        nz = seg_a_raw[vInd_a + 2] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b + 2];

                        q = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);

                        seg_b[vInd_b] = seg_a[vInd_a] = nx * q;
                        seg_b[vInd_b + 1] = seg_a[vInd_a + 1] = ny * q;
                        seg_b[vInd_b + 2] = seg_a[vInd_a + 2] = nz * q;
                } else {
                    for (let k = 0; k < s_gs; k++) {
                        let vInd_a = (i_a * s_gs + k) * 3,
                            vInd_b = (i_b * s_gs + k) * 3;

                        nx = seg_a_raw[vInd_a] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b];
                        ny = seg_a_raw[vInd_a + 1] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b + 1];
                        nz = seg_a_raw[vInd_a + 2] + seg_b_raw[vInd_b + 2];

                        q = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);

                        seg_b[vInd_b] = seg_a[vInd_a] = nx * q;
                        seg_b[vInd_b + 1] = seg_a[vInd_a + 1] = ny * q;
                        seg_b[vInd_b + 2] = seg_a[vInd_a + 2] = nz * q;

                if (!b._inTheQueue && b._appliedNeighborsZoom[OPSIDE[side]] !== s.tileZoom) {
                    b._appliedNeighborsZoom[OPSIDE[side]] = s.tileZoom;

    applyTerrain(elevations) {
        if (elevations) {
        } else {

     * Delete segment gl buffers.
    deleteBuffers() {
        var gl =;

        this.vertexNormalBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferHigh = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferLow = null;
        this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer = null;

     * Delete materials.
    deleteMaterials() {
        var m = this.materials;
        for (let i = 0; i < m.length; i++) {
            var mi = m[i];
            if (mi) {
        this.materials.length = 0;

     * Delete elevation data.
    deleteElevations() {
        this.terrainExists = false;
        this.terrainReady = false;
        this.terrainIsLoading = false;

        this.normalMapVertices = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesHigh = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesLow = null;

        this.normalMapNormals = null;

        this.tempVertices = null;
        this.tempVerticesHigh = null;
        this.tempVerticesLow = null;

        this.terrainVertices = null;
        this.terrainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.terrainVerticesLow = null;
        this.noDataVertices = null;

        this.plainVertices = null;
        this.plainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.plainVerticesLow = null;

        this.plainNormals = null;

        if (this.normalMapReady) {
        this.normalMapReady = false;
        this.parentNormalMapReady = false;
        this._appliedNeighborsZoom = [0, 0, 0, 0];
        this.normalMapTextureBias[0] = 0;
        this.normalMapTextureBias[1] = 0;
        this.normalMapTextureBias[2] = 1;
        this._inTheQueue = false;

     * Clear but not destroy segment data.
    clearSegment() {
        this.plainReady = false;
        this.initialized = false;

     * Removes cache records.
    _freeCache() {
        this.planet._quadTreeNodesCacheMerc[this.tileIndex] = null;
        delete this.planet._quadTreeNodesCacheMerc[this.tileIndex];

     * Clear and destroy all segment data.
    destroySegment() {


        var i = this._renderingSlices.length;
        while (i--) {

        this._renderingSlices = null;

        this.node = null;

        this.planet = null;
        this.handler = null;
        this.bbox = null;
        this.bsphere = null;
        this._extent = null;

        this.materials = null;

        this.plainVertices = null;
        this.plainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.plainVerticesLow = null;
        this.plainNormals = null;

        this.terrainVertices = null;
        this.terrainVerticesHigh = null;
        this.terrainVerticesLow = null;
        this.noDataVertices = null;

        this.tempVertices = null;
        this.tempVerticesHigh = null;
        this.tempVerticesLow = null;

        this.normalMapTexture = null;
        this.normalMapTextureBias = null;
        this.normalMapVertices = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesHigh = null;
        this.normalMapVerticesLow = null;
        this.normalMapNormals = null;

        this.vertexNormalBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBuffer = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferHigh = null;
        this.vertexPositionBufferLow = null;
        this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer = null;

        this._projection = null;
        this._appliedNeighborsZoom = null;

        this._globalTextureCoordinates = null;

    _setExtentLonLat() {
        this._extentLonLat = this._extent.inverseMercator();

     * Creates bound volumes by segment geographical extent.
    createBoundsByExtent() {
        var ellipsoid = this.planet.ellipsoid,
            extent = this._extentLonLat;

        var coord_sw = ellipsoid.geodeticToCartesian(extent.southWest.lon,;
        var coord_ne = ellipsoid.geodeticToCartesian(extent.northEast.lon,;

        // check for zoom
        if (this.tileZoom <= MAX_NORMAL_ZOOM) {
            var coord_nw = ellipsoid.geodeticToCartesian(
            var coord_se = ellipsoid.geodeticToCartesian(

            this._swNorm = coord_sw.normal();
            this._nwNorm = coord_nw.normal();
            this._neNorm = coord_ne.normal();
            this._seNorm = coord_se.normal();

        this.setBoundingVolume3v(coord_sw, coord_ne);

    createBoundsByParent() {
        let pn = this.node;

        while (pn.parentNode && !pn.segment.terrainReady) {
            pn = pn.parentNode;

        let dZ2 = 1 << (this.tileZoom - pn.segment.tileZoom);

        let offsetX = this.tileX - pn.segment.tileX * dZ2,
            offsetY = this.tileY - pn.segment.tileY * dZ2;

        if (pn.segment.terrainReady && pn.segment.tileZoom >= this.planet.terrain.minZoom) {
            let gridSize = pn.segment.gridSize / dZ2;

            if (gridSize >= 1.0) {
                // (*) Actually, we get parent whole bounding volume
                this.bsphere.radius = pn.segment.bsphere.radius;

                if (this.tileZoom <= MAX_NORMAL_ZOOM) {
                    let i0 = gridSize * offsetY;
                    let j0 = gridSize * offsetX;

                    let pnGsOne = pn.segment.gridSize + 1;

                    let ind_sw = 3 * ((i0 + gridSize) * pnGsOne + j0),
                        ind_nw = 3 * (i0 * pnGsOne + j0),
                        ind_ne = 3 * (i0 * pnGsOne + j0 + gridSize),
                        ind_se = 3 * ((i0 + gridSize) * pnGsOne + j0 + gridSize);

                    let pVerts = pn.segment.tempVertices;

                    let v_sw = new Vec3(pVerts[ind_sw], pVerts[ind_sw + 1], pVerts[ind_sw + 2]),
                        v_ne = new Vec3(pVerts[ind_ne], pVerts[ind_ne + 1], pVerts[ind_ne + 2]);

                    // check for segment zoom
                    let v_nw = new Vec3(pVerts[ind_nw], pVerts[ind_nw + 1], pVerts[ind_nw + 2]),
                        v_se = new Vec3(pVerts[ind_se], pVerts[ind_se + 1], pVerts[ind_se + 2]);

                    this._swNorm = v_sw.normal();
                    this._nwNorm = v_nw.normal();
                    this._neNorm = v_ne.normal();
                    this._seNorm = v_se.normal();
            } else {
                let pseg = pn.segment;

                let i0 = Math.floor(gridSize * offsetY),
                    j0 = Math.floor(gridSize * offsetX);

                let insideSize = 1.0 / gridSize;

                let t_i0 = offsetY - insideSize * i0,
                    t_j0 = offsetX - insideSize * j0;

                let bigOne;
                if (pseg.gridSize === 1) {
                    bigOne = pseg.tempVertices;
                } else {
                    bigOne = getMatrixSubArray(pseg.tempVertices, pseg.gridSize, i0, j0, 1);

                let v_lt = new Vec3(bigOne[0], bigOne[1], bigOne[2]),
                    v_rb = new Vec3(bigOne[9], bigOne[10], bigOne[11]);

                let vn = new Vec3(
                        bigOne[3] - bigOne[0],
                        bigOne[4] - bigOne[1],
                        bigOne[5] - bigOne[2]
                    vw = new Vec3(
                        bigOne[6] - bigOne[0],
                        bigOne[7] - bigOne[1],
                        bigOne[8] - bigOne[2]
                    ve = new Vec3(
                        bigOne[3] - bigOne[9],
                        bigOne[4] - bigOne[10],
                        bigOne[5] - bigOne[11]
                    vs = new Vec3(
                        bigOne[6] - bigOne[9],
                        bigOne[7] - bigOne[10],
                        bigOne[8] - bigOne[11]

                let vi_y = t_i0,
                    vi_x = t_j0;

                let coords_lt, coords_rb;

                if (vi_y + vi_x < insideSize) {
                    coords_lt = Vec3.add(
                        vn.scaleTo(vi_x / insideSize),
                        vw.scaleTo(vi_y / insideSize)
                } else {
                    coords_lt = Vec3.add(
                        vs.scaleTo(1 - vi_x / insideSize),
                        ve.scaleTo(1 - vi_y / insideSize)

                vi_y = t_i0 + 1;
                vi_x = t_j0 + 1;

                if (vi_y + vi_x < insideSize) {
                    coords_rb = Vec3.add(
                        vn.scaleTo(vi_x / insideSize),
                        vw.scaleTo(vi_y / insideSize)
                } else {
                    coords_rb = Vec3.add(
                        vs.scaleTo(1 - vi_x / insideSize),
                        ve.scaleTo(1 - vi_y / insideSize)

                this.setBoundingVolume3v(coords_lt, coords_rb);
        } else {

    setBoundingSphere(x, y, z, v) { = x; = y; = z;
        this.bsphere.radius =;

    setBoundingVolume(xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax) {
        this.bbox.setFromBoundsArr([xmin, ymin, zmin, xmax, ymax, zmax]);

        let x = xmin + (xmax - xmin) * 0.5,
            y = ymin + (ymax - ymin) * 0.5,
            z = zmin + (zmax - zmin) * 0.5;, y, z);
        this.bsphere.radius = Vec3(xmin, ymin, zmin));

    setBoundingVolume3v(vmin, vmax) {
        this.bbox.setFromBoundsArr([vmin.x, vmin.y, vmin.z, vmax.x, vmax.y, vmax.z]);

        let x = vmin.x + (vmax.x - vmin.x) * 0.5,
            y = vmin.y + (vmax.y - vmin.y) * 0.5,
            z = vmin.z + (vmax.z - vmin.z) * 0.5;, y, z);
        this.bsphere.radius = Vec3(vmin.x, vmin.y, vmin.z));

    setBoundingVolumeArr(bounds) {

        let x = bounds[0] + (bounds[3] - bounds[0]) * 0.5,
            y = bounds[1] + (bounds[4] - bounds[1]) * 0.5,
            z = bounds[2] + (bounds[5] - bounds[2]) * 0.5;, y, z);
        this.bsphere.radius =
            new Vec3(bounds[0], bounds[1], bounds[2])

    createCoordsBuffers(verticesHigh, verticesLow, gridSize) {
        var gsgs = (gridSize + 1) * (gridSize + 1);
        var h = this.handler;

        if (this.vertexPositionBufferHigh && this.vertexPositionBufferHigh.numItems === gsgs) {
            h.setStreamArrayBuffer(this.vertexPositionBufferHigh, verticesHigh);
            h.setStreamArrayBuffer(this.vertexPositionBufferLow, verticesLow);
        } else {

            this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer =

            //this.vertexPositionBufferHigh = h.createStreamArrayBuffer(3, gsgs);
            //h.setStreamArrayBuffer(this.vertexPositionBufferHigh, verticesHigh);
            //this.vertexPositionBufferLow = h.createStreamArrayBuffer(3, gsgs);
            //h.setStreamArrayBuffer(this.vertexPositionBufferLow, verticesLow);

            // It works, but I'm not sure that it is correct and better use the comment above
            this.vertexPositionBufferHigh = h.createArrayBuffer(verticesHigh, 3, gsgs);
            this.vertexPositionBufferLow = h.createArrayBuffer(verticesLow, 3, gsgs);

    _addViewExtent() {
        var ext = this._extentLonLat;

        if (!this.planet._viewExtent) {
            this.planet._viewExtent = new Extent(
                new LonLat(ext.southWest.lon,,
                new LonLat(ext.northEast.lon,

        var viewExt = this.planet._viewExtent;

        if (ext.southWest.lon < viewExt.southWest.lon) {
            viewExt.southWest.lon = ext.southWest.lon;

        if (ext.northEast.lon > viewExt.northEast.lon) {
            viewExt.northEast.lon = ext.northEast.lon;

        if ( < {

        if ( > {

    _assignTileIndexes() {
        this._tileGroup = 0;
        var tileZoom = this.tileZoom;
        var extent = this._extent;
        var pole = mercator.POLE;
        this.tileX = Math.round(
            Math.abs(-pole - extent.southWest.lon) / (extent.northEast.lon - extent.southWest.lon)
        this.tileY = Math.round(
            Math.abs(pole - / ( -
        var p2 = Math.pow(2, tileZoom);
        this.tileXE = (this.tileX + 1) % p2;
        this.tileXW = (p2 + this.tileX - 1) % p2;

        this.tileYN = this.tileY - 1;
        this.tileYS = this.tileY + 1;

        this.tileIndex = Layer.getTileIndex(this.tileX, this.tileY, tileZoom);
        this.planet._quadTreeNodesCacheMerc[this.tileIndex] = this.node;

    initialize() {
        var p = this.planet;
        var n = this.node;

        n.sideSize[0] =
            n.sideSize[1] =
            n.sideSize[2] =
            n.sideSize[3] =
            this.gridSize =
                p.terrain.gridSizeByZoom[this.tileZoom] || p.terrain.plainGridSize;

        n.sideSizeLog2[0] =
            n.sideSizeLog2[1] =
            n.sideSizeLog2[2] =
            n.sideSizeLog2[3] =
                Math.log2(p.terrain.gridSizeByZoom[this.tileZoom] || p.terrain.plainGridSize);

        if (this.tileZoom <= p.terrain.maxZoom) {
            var nmc = this.planet._normalMapCreator;
            this.normalMapTexturePtr = p.renderer.handler.createEmptyTexture_l(

        this.normalMapTexture = this.planet.transparentTexture;


        this.initialized = true;

    _assignGlobalTextureCoordinates() {
        var e = this._extent;
        this._globalTextureCoordinates[0] =
            (e.southWest.lon + mercator.POLE) * mercator.ONE_BY_POLE_DOUBLE;
        this._globalTextureCoordinates[1] =
            (mercator.POLE - * mercator.ONE_BY_POLE_DOUBLE;
        this._globalTextureCoordinates[2] =
            (e.northEast.lon + mercator.POLE) * mercator.ONE_BY_POLE_DOUBLE;
        this._globalTextureCoordinates[3] =
            (mercator.POLE - * mercator.ONE_BY_POLE_DOUBLE;

    createPlainSegmentAsync() {
        let p = this.planet,
            t = p.terrain;

        if (t.isReady() && this.tileZoom <= t.maxZoom && !this.plainReady) {
            this.plainProcessing = true;

    createPlainSegment() {
        this.readyToEngage = true;

    _createPlainVertices() {
        var gridSize = this.planet.terrain.gridSizeByZoom[this.tileZoom];

        var e = this._extent,
            fgs = this.planet.terrain.plainGridSize;
        var lonSize = e.getWidth();
        var llStep = lonSize / Math.max(fgs, gridSize);
        var esw_lon = e.southWest.lon,
            ene_lat =;
        var dg = Math.max(fgs / gridSize, 1),
            gs = Math.max(fgs, gridSize) + 1;
        var r2 = this.planet.ellipsoid._invRadii2;
        var ind = 0,
            nmInd = 0;
        const gsgs = gs * gs;

        var gridSize3 = (gridSize + 1) * (gridSize + 1) * 3;

        this.plainNormals = new Float32Array(gridSize3);
        this.plainVertices = new Float64Array(gridSize3);
        this.plainVerticesHigh = new Float32Array(gridSize3);
        this.plainVerticesLow = new Float32Array(gridSize3);

        this.normalMapNormals = new Float32Array(gsgs * 3);
        this.normalMapVertices = new Float64Array(gsgs * 3);
        this.normalMapVerticesHigh = new Float32Array(gsgs * 3);
        this.normalMapVerticesLow = new Float32Array(gsgs * 3);

        var verts = this.plainVertices,
            vertsHigh = this.plainVerticesHigh,
            vertsLow = this.plainVerticesLow,
            norms = this.plainNormals,
            nmVerts = this.normalMapVertices,
            nmVertsHigh = this.normalMapVerticesHigh,
            nmVertsLow = this.normalMapVerticesLow,
            nmNorms = this.normalMapNormals;

        for (let k = 0; k < gsgs; k++) {
            var j = k % gs,
                i = ~~(k / gs);

            var v = this.planet.ellipsoid.lonLatToCartesian(
                LonLat.inverseMercator(esw_lon + j * llStep, ene_lat - i * llStep)
            var nx = v.x * r2.x,
                ny = v.y * r2.y,
                nz = v.z * r2.z;
            var l = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(nx * nx + ny * ny + nz * nz);
            var nxl = nx * l,
                nyl = ny * l,
                nzl = nz * l;

            Vec3.doubleToTwoFloats(v, _tempHigh, _tempLow);

            nmVerts[nmInd] = v.x;
            nmVertsHigh[nmInd] = _tempHigh.x;
            nmVertsLow[nmInd] = _tempLow.x;
            nmNorms[nmInd++] = nxl;

            nmVerts[nmInd] = v.y;
            nmVertsHigh[nmInd] = _tempHigh.y;
            nmVertsLow[nmInd] = _tempLow.y;
            nmNorms[nmInd++] = nyl;

            nmVerts[nmInd] = v.z;
            nmVertsHigh[nmInd] = _tempHigh.z;
            nmVertsLow[nmInd] = _tempLow.z;
            nmNorms[nmInd++] = nzl;

            if (i % dg === 0 && j % dg === 0) {
                verts[ind] = v.x;
                vertsHigh[ind] = _tempHigh.x;
                vertsLow[ind] = _tempLow.x;
                norms[ind++] = nxl;

                verts[ind] = v.y;
                vertsHigh[ind] = _tempHigh.y;
                vertsLow[ind] = _tempLow.y;
                norms[ind++] = nyl;

                verts[ind] = v.z;
                vertsHigh[ind] = _tempHigh.z;
                vertsLow[ind] = _tempLow.z;
                norms[ind++] = nzl;

        this.terrainVertices = verts;
        this.terrainVerticesHigh = vertsHigh;
        this.terrainVerticesLow = vertsLow;

        this.plainReady = true;

     * Gets specific layer material.
     * @public
     * @param {Layer} layer - Layer object.
     * @returns {planetSegment.Material} - Segment material.
    getMaterialByLayer(layer) {
        return this.materials[layer._id];

    _getLayerExtentOffset(layer) {
        var v0s = layer._extentMerc;
        var v0t = this._extent;
        var sSize_x = v0s.northEast.lon - v0s.southWest.lon;
        var sSize_y = -;
        var dV0s_x = (v0t.southWest.lon - v0s.southWest.lon) / sSize_x;
        var dV0s_y = ( - / sSize_y;
        var dSize_x = (v0t.northEast.lon - v0t.southWest.lon) / sSize_x;
        var dSize_y = ( - / sSize_y;
        return [dV0s_x, dV0s_y, dSize_x, dSize_y];

    screenRendering(sh, layerSlice, sliceIndex, defaultTexture, isOverlay) {
        var gl =;
        var sha = sh.attributes,
            shu = sh.uniforms;

        var pm = this.materials,
            p = this.planet;

        var currHeight, li;
        if (layerSlice) {
            li = layerSlice[0];
            currHeight = li._height;
        } else {
            currHeight = 0;

        // First always draw whole planet base layer segment with solid texture.
        gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + p.SLICE_SIZE + 2);
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, defaultTexture || this.getDefaultTexture());
        gl.uniform1i(shu.defaultTexture, p.SLICE_SIZE + 2);

        var n = 0,
            i = 0;

        var notEmpty = false;

        var slice = this._renderingSlices[sliceIndex];

        if (!slice) {
            slice = this._renderingSlices[sliceIndex] = new _RenderingSlice(p);
        } else {
            slice.layers = [];

        this._indexBuffer = this._getIndexBuffer();

        while (li) {
            if (
                this.layerOverlap(li) &&
                ((li._fading && li._fadingOpacity > 0.0) ||
                    ((li.minZoom >= p.minCurrZoom || li.maxZoom >= p.minCurrZoom) &&
                        (li.minZoom <= p.maxCurrZoom || li.maxZoom <= p.maxCurrZoom)))
            ) {
                notEmpty = true;
                var m = pm[li._id];
                if (!m) {
                    m = pm[li._id] = li.createMaterial(this);

                if (!m.isReady) {
                    this.planet._renderCompleted = false;


                var n4 = n * 4;

                var arr = li.applyMaterial(m);
                slice.tileOffsetArr[n4] = arr[0];
                slice.tileOffsetArr[n4 + 1] = arr[1];
                slice.tileOffsetArr[n4 + 2] = arr[2];
                slice.tileOffsetArr[n4 + 3] = arr[3];

                arr = this._getLayerExtentOffset(li);
                slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr[n4] = arr[0];
                slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr[n4 + 1] = arr[1];
                slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr[n4 + 2] = arr[2];
                slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr[n4 + 3] = arr[3];

                slice.layerOpacityArr[n] = li.opacity;

                p._samplerArr[n] = n;

                gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + n);
                gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, m.texture || p.transparentTexture);

            li = layerSlice[i];

        if (notEmpty || !isOverlay) {
            gl.uniform1i(shu.samplerCount, n);
            gl.uniform1f(shu.height, currHeight);
            gl.uniform1iv(shu.samplerArr, p._samplerArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.tileOffsetArr, slice.tileOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.visibleExtentOffsetArr, slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform1fv(shu.layerOpacityArr, slice.layerOpacityArr);

            // bind normalmap texture
            if (p.lightEnabled) {
                gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + p.SLICE_SIZE + 3);
                gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, this.normalMapTexture || p.transparentTexture);
                gl.uniform1i(shu.uNormalMap, p.SLICE_SIZE + 3);

                gl.uniform3fv(shu.uNormalMapBias, this.normalMapTextureBias);

                // bind segment specular and night material texture coordinates
                gl.uniform4fv(shu.uGlobalTextureCoord, this._globalTextureCoordinates);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferHigh);
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferLow);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(sha.aTextureCoord, 2, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, 0, 0);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indexBuffer);
            gl.drawElements(p.drawMode, this._indexBuffer.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    heightPickingRendering(sh, layerSlice, sliceIndex, defaultTexture, isOverlay) {
        var gl =;
        var sha = sh.attributes,
            shu = sh.uniforms;

        var pm = this.materials,
            p = this.planet;

        // First always draw whole planet base layer segment with solid texture.
        gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + p.SLICE_SIZE);
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, defaultTexture || p.solidTextureOne);
        gl.uniform1i(shu.defaultTexture, p.SLICE_SIZE);

        var currHeight;
        if (layerSlice) {
            currHeight = layerSlice[0]._height;
        } else {
            currHeight = 0;

        var n = 0;

        var slice = this._renderingSlices[sliceIndex];

        var notEmpty = false;

        for (n = 0; n < slice.layers.length; n++) {
            notEmpty = true;
            p._samplerArr[n] = n;
            gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + n);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, pm[slice.layers[n]._id].texture || p.transparentTexture);

        if (notEmpty || !isOverlay) {
            gl.uniform1i(shu.samplerCount, n);
            gl.uniform1f(shu.height, currHeight);
            gl.uniform1iv(shu.samplerArr, p._samplerArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.tileOffsetArr, slice.tileOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.visibleExtentOffsetArr, slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform1fv(shu.layerOpacityArr, slice.layerOpacityArr);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferHigh);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferLow);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(sha.aTextureCoord, 2, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, 0, 0);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indexBuffer);
            gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, this._indexBuffer.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    colorPickingRendering(sh, layerSlice, sliceIndex, defaultTexture, isOverlay) {
        var gl =;
        var sha = sh.attributes,
            shu = sh.uniforms;

        var pm = this.materials,
            p = this.planet;

        var currHeight;
        if (layerSlice) {
            currHeight = layerSlice[0]._height;
        } else {
            currHeight = 0;

        var notEmpty = false;

        var slice = this._renderingSlices[sliceIndex];

        for (var n = 0; n < slice.layers.length; n++) {
            notEmpty = true;

            var li = slice.layers[n];
            var n4 = n * 4;

            p._pickingColorArr[n4] = li._pickingColor.x / 255.0;
            p._pickingColorArr[n4 + 1] = li._pickingColor.y / 255.0;
            p._pickingColorArr[n4 + 2] = li._pickingColor.z / 255.0;
            p._pickingColorArr[n4 + 3] = li._pickingEnabled;

            p._samplerArr[n] = n;
            gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + n);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, pm[li._id].texture || this.planet.transparentTexture);

            p._pickingMaskArr[n] = n + p.SLICE_SIZE;
            gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + n + p.SLICE_SIZE);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, pm[li._id].pickingMask || this.planet.transparentTexture);

        if (notEmpty || !isOverlay) {
            gl.uniform1i(shu.samplerCount, n);
            gl.uniform1f(shu.height, currHeight);
            gl.uniform1iv(shu.samplerArr, p._samplerArr);
            gl.uniform1iv(shu.pickingMaskArr, p._pickingMaskArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.tileOffsetArr, slice.tileOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.visibleExtentOffsetArr, slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform1fv(shu.layerOpacityArr, slice.layerOpacityArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.pickingColorArr, p._pickingColorArr);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferHigh);
            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferLow);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(sha.aTextureCoord, 2, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, 0, 0);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indexBuffer);
            gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, this._indexBuffer.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    depthRendering(sh, layerSlice, sliceIndex, defaultTexture, isOverlay) {
        var gl =;
        var sha = sh.attributes,
            shu = sh.uniforms;

        var pm = this.materials,
            p = this.planet;

        // First always draw whole planet base layer segment with solid texture.
        gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + p.SLICE_SIZE);
        gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, defaultTexture || p.solidTextureOne);
        gl.uniform1i(shu.defaultTexture, p.SLICE_SIZE);

        var currHeight;
        if (layerSlice) {
            currHeight = layerSlice[0]._height;
        } else {
            currHeight = 0;

        var n = 0;

        var slice = this._renderingSlices[sliceIndex];

        var notEmpty = false;

        for (n = 0; n < slice.layers.length; n++) {
            notEmpty = true;
            p._samplerArr[n] = n;
            gl.activeTexture(gl.TEXTURE0 + n);
            gl.bindTexture(gl.TEXTURE_2D, pm[slice.layers[n]._id].texture || p.transparentTexture);

        if (notEmpty || !isOverlay) {
            gl.uniform1i(shu.samplerCount, n);
            gl.uniform1f(shu.height, currHeight);
            gl.uniform1iv(shu.samplerArr, p._samplerArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.tileOffsetArr, slice.tileOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform4fv(shu.visibleExtentOffsetArr, slice.visibleExtentOffsetArr);
            gl.uniform1fv(shu.layerOpacityArr, slice.layerOpacityArr);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferHigh);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexPositionBufferLow);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.vertexTextureCoordBuffer);
            gl.vertexAttribPointer(sha.aTextureCoord, 2, gl.UNSIGNED_SHORT, true, 0, 0);

            gl.bindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, this._indexBuffer);
            gl.drawElements(gl.TRIANGLE_STRIP, this._indexBuffer.numItems, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, 0);

    _getIndexBuffer() {
        var s = this.node.sideSizeLog2;
        var cache = this.planet._indexesCache[Math.log2(this.gridSize)][s[0]][s[1]][s[2]][s[3]];
        if (!cache.buffer) {
            let indexes = segmentHelper
                .createSegmentIndexes(Math.log2(this.gridSize), [s[0], s[1], s[2], s[3]]);
            cache.buffer = this.planet.renderer.handler.createElementArrayBuffer(indexes, 1);
            indexes = null;
        return cache.buffer;

    _collectVisibleNodes() {
        this.planet._visibleNodes[this.node.nodeId] = this.node;

    layerOverlap(layer) {
        return this._extent.overlaps(layer._extentMerc);

    getDefaultTexture() {
        return this.planet.solidTextureOne;

    getExtentLonLat() {
        return this._extentLonLat;

    getExtentMerc() {
        return this._extent;

    getExtent() {
        return this._extent;

    getNodeState() {
        var vn = this.planet._visibleNodes[this.node.nodeId];
        return (vn && vn.state) || NOTRENDERING;

    getNeighborSide(b) {
        if (this.tileY === b.tileY) {
            if (this.tileX === b.tileXE) {
                return W;
            } else if (this.tileX === b.tileXW) {
                return E;
        } else if (this.tileX === b.tileX) {
            if (this.tileY === b.tileYS) {
                return N;
            } else if (this.tileY === b.tileYN) {
                return S;

        return -1;
export { Segment };