
import {Deferred} from '../../Deferred';
import {createEvents, EventsHandler} from '../../Events';
import {Vec3} from "../../math/Vec3";
import {Planet} from "../../scene/Planet";
import {LonLat} from "../../LonLat";


export interface ElevationProfileParams {
    planet?: Planet

export interface IProfileData {
    dist: number;
    minY: number;
    maxY: number;
    trackCoords: TrackItem[];
    groundCoords: GroundItem[];

export type ElevationProfileDrawData = [TrackItem[], GroundItem[]];

type ElevationProfileEventsList = ["startcollecting", "profilecollected", "clear"];

const ELEVATIONPROFILE_EVENTS: ElevationProfileEventsList = ["startcollecting", "profilecollected", "clear"];

 * Point types
export const SAFE = 0;
export const WARNING = 1;
export const COLLISION = 2;

 * drawData index names
const TRACK = 0;
const GROUND = 1;

const SEGMMENT_LENGTH = 1.0; // Distance between query points on the ground
const GROUND_OFFSET = 1.0; // Ground level offset
const BOTTOM_PADDING = 0.1; // Range minY padding in percentage from the bottom
const TOP_PADDING = 0.2; // Range maxY padding in percentage from the top
const HEIGHT_EPS = 0.1; // Warning height level error

type WarningLevel = typeof SAFE | typeof WARNING | typeof COLLISION;
 * 0 - distance, 1 - elevation, 2 - related ground point index
export type TrackItem = [number, number, number];
 * 0 - distance, 1 - elevation, 2 - warning level, 3 - ..., 4 - related track point index
export type GroundItem = [number, number, WarningLevel, number, number];

export class ElevationProfile {
    public events: EventsHandler<ElevationProfileEventsList>;
    public planet: Planet | null;
    protected _warningHeightLevel: number;
    protected _pointsReady: boolean;
    protected _isWarning: boolean;

    protected _planeDistance: number;
    protected _minX: number;
    protected _maxX: number;
    protected _minY: number;
    protected _maxY: number;
    protected _drawData: ElevationProfileDrawData;
    protected _promiseArr: Promise<void | number>[];
    protected _promiseCounter: number;
    protected _pMaxY: number;
    protected _pMinY: number;
    protected _pDist: number;
    protected _pTrackCoords: TrackItem[];
    protected _pGroundCoords: GroundItem[];
    protected _pIndex: number;

    constructor(options: ElevationProfileParams = {}) { = createEvents(ELEVATIONPROFILE_EVENTS);

        this.planet = options.planet || null;

        this._warningHeightLevel = DEFAULT_WARNING_HEIGHT_LEVEL;
        this._pointsReady = false;
        this._isWarning = false;

        this._minX = 0;
        this._planeDistance = this._maxX = 1000;
        this._minY = 0;
        this._maxY = 200;

        this._drawData = [[], []];

        this._promiseArr = [];
        this._promiseCounter = 0;
        this._pMaxY = 0;
        this._pMinY = 0;
        this._pDist = 0;
        this._pTrackCoords = [];
        this._pGroundCoords = [];

        this._pIndex = 0;

    public bindPlanet(planet: Planet) {
        this.planet = planet;

    public setWarningHeightLevel(warningHeight: number = 0) {
        this._warningHeightLevel = warningHeight;

    public setRange(minX: number, maxX: number, minY?: number, maxY?: number) {
        this._minX = minX;
        this._maxX = maxX;
        if (minY) {
            this._minY = minY;
        if (maxY) {
            this._maxY = maxY;

    protected _getHeightAsync(ll: LonLat, pIndex: number, promiseCounter: number): Promise<number> {
        let def = new Deferred<number>();
        if (this.planet) {
            let msl = this.planet.terrain!.geoid.getHeightLonLat(ll);
            this.planet.terrain!.getHeightAsync(ll, (elv: number) => {
                if (this.planet && promiseCounter === this._promiseCounter) {
                    elv += msl;
                    this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][1] = elv;
                    this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][2] = SAFE;
                    this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][3] = ll.height;
                    if (elv > this._pMaxY) this._pMaxY = elv;
                    if (elv < this._pMinY) this._pMinY = elv;
                } else {
        } else {
        return def.promise;

    protected _collectCoordsBetweenTwoTrackPoints(index: number, internalPoints: number, scaleFactor: number, p0: Vec3, trackDir: Vec3, promiseCounter: number) {

        if (!this.planet) return;

        for (let j = 1; j <= internalPoints; j++) {
            this._pDist += SEGMMENT_LENGTH;

            // Point on the track segment
            let dirSegLen = j * scaleFactor;
            let pjd = p0.add(trackDir.scaleTo(dirSegLen));
            let llx = this.planet.ellipsoid.cartesianToLonLat(pjd);

            this._pGroundCoords[this._pIndex] = [this._pDist, 0, SAFE, 0, index];

            ((lonlat: LonLat, index: number) => {
                this._promiseArr.push(this._getHeightAsync(lonlat, index, promiseCounter));
            })(llx, this._pIndex);

    protected _collectAllPoints(pointsLonLat: LonLat[], promiseCounter: number) {

        if (!this.planet) return;
        if (promiseCounter !== this._promiseCounter) return;

        let p0 = new Vec3(),
            p1 = new Vec3();

        for (let i = 1, len = pointsLonLat.length; i < len; i++) {
            let lonlat0 = pointsLonLat[i - 1],
                lonlat1 = pointsLonLat[i];

            this.planet.ellipsoid.lonLatToCartesianRes(lonlat0, p0);
            this.planet.ellipsoid.lonLatToCartesianRes(lonlat1, p1);

            let trackDir = p1.sub(p0);
            let dirLength = trackDir.length();
            let n0 = this.planet.ellipsoid.getSurfaceNormal3v(p0);
            let proj = Vec3.proj_b_to_plane(trackDir, n0);
            let projLen = proj.length();
            let internalPoints = Math.floor(projLen / SEGMMENT_LENGTH);
            let scaleFactor = SEGMMENT_LENGTH * dirLength / projLen;

            this._getGroundElevation(lonlat0, i - 1, promiseCounter);


            // Getting internal point elevations and looking for the collisions
            this._collectCoordsBetweenTwoTrackPoints(i - 1, internalPoints, scaleFactor, p0, trackDir, promiseCounter);

            this._pDist += projLen - internalPoints * SEGMMENT_LENGTH;

            let elv = lonlat1.height;
            if (elv > this._pMaxY) this._pMaxY = elv;
            if (elv < this._pMinY) this._pMinY = elv;

            this._pTrackCoords[i] = [this._pDist, elv, this._pIndex];

    protected _getGroundElevation(lonLat: LonLat, index: number, promiseCounter: number) {
        this._pGroundCoords[this._pIndex] = [this._pDist, 0, SAFE, 0, index];
        this._promiseArr.push(this._getHeightAsync(lonLat, this._pIndex, promiseCounter));

    protected _calcPointsAsync(pointsLonLat: LonLat[], promiseCounter: number) {
        return new Promise<IProfileData>((resolve: (p: IProfileData) => void, reject) => {
            this._pTrackCoords = [[0, pointsLonLat[0].height, 0]];
            this._pMaxY = pointsLonLat[0].height;
            this._pMinY = this._pMaxY;
            this._pDist = 0;
            this._pGroundCoords = [];
            this._pIndex = 0;
            this._promiseArr = [];

            this._collectAllPoints(pointsLonLat, promiseCounter);

            this._getGroundElevation(pointsLonLat[pointsLonLat.length - 1], pointsLonLat.length - 1, promiseCounter);

            Promise.all(this._promiseArr).then(() => {
                    dist: this._pDist,
                    minY: this._pMinY,
                    maxY: this._pMaxY,
                    trackCoords: this._pTrackCoords,
                    groundCoords: this._pGroundCoords

    public get minX(): number {
        return this._minX;

    public get planeDistance(): number {
        return this._planeDistance;

    public get maxX(): number {
        return this._maxX;

    public get minY(): number {
        return this._minY;

    public get maxY(): number {
        return this._maxY;

    public get pointsReady(): boolean {
        return this._pointsReady;

    public get isWarningOrCollision(): boolean {
        return this._isWarning;

    public get drawData(): ElevationProfileDrawData {
        return this._drawData;

    public collectProfile(pointsLonLat: LonLat[]): Promise<ElevationProfileDrawData> {

        let def = new Deferred<ElevationProfileDrawData>();

        if (!this.planet) def.reject();

        this._pointsReady = false;
        this._isWarning = false;

        if (!pointsLonLat || !pointsLonLat.length) {
            return def.promise;
        }, this);


        ((counter: number) => {
            this._calcPointsAsync(pointsLonLat, counter).then((p: IProfileData) => {
                if (counter === this._promiseCounter) {
                    this._planeDistance = p.dist;
                    this.setRange(0, p.dist, p.minY - BOTTOM_PADDING * Math.abs(p.minY), p.maxY + Math.abs(p.maxY) * TOP_PADDING);
                    this._pointsReady = true;
                    this._drawData = [p.trackCoords, p.groundCoords];
          , this._drawData, this);

        return def.promise;

    protected _updatePointType(pIndex: number) {
        if ((this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][3] >= this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][1]) &&
            (this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][3] < this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][1] + this._warningHeightLevel - HEIGHT_EPS)) {
            this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][2] = WARNING;

        if (this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][3] <= this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][1] + GROUND_OFFSET) {
            this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][2] = COLLISION;

        if (this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][2] === WARNING || this._pGroundCoords[pIndex][2] === COLLISION) {
            this._isWarning = true;

     * @deprecated
    protected _setPointsType() {
        this._isWarning = false;

        this._pTrackCoords = this._drawData[TRACK];
        this._pGroundCoords = this._drawData[GROUND];

        for (let i = 0; i < this._pGroundCoords.length; i++) {

        this._drawData[GROUND] = this._pGroundCoords;, this._drawData, this);

    public clear() {
        this._promiseCounter = 0;
        this._pointsReady = false;
        this._isWarning = false;
        this._drawData = [[], []];
        this._pMaxY = 0;
        this._pMinY = 0;
        this._pDist = 0;
        this._pTrackCoords = [];
        this._pGroundCoords = [];
        this._pIndex = 0;, this._drawData, this);