
import * as math from "../math";
import { Quat } from "../math/Quat";
import { Vec3 } from "../math/Vec3";
import * as astro from "./astro";
import * as jd from "./jd";
import {JulianDate} from "./jd";

 * Returns Sun position in the geocentric coordinate system by the time.
 * @param {JulianDate} jDate - Julian date time.
 * @returns {Vec3} - Sun geocentric coordinates.
export function getSunPosition(jDate: JulianDate): Vec3 {
    // a  Mean distance, or semi-major axis
    // e  Eccentricity
    // T  Time at perihelion

    // q  Perihelion distance  = a * (1 - e)
    // Q  Aphelion distance    = a * (1 + e)

    // i  Inclination, i.e. the "tilt" of the orbit relative to the
    //    ecliptic.  The inclination varies from 0 to 180 degrees. If
    //    the inclination is larger than 90 degrees, the planet is in
    //    a retrogade orbit, i.e. it moves "backwards".  The most
    //    well-known celestial body with retrogade motion is Comet Halley.

    // N  (usually written as "Capital Omega") Longitude of Ascending
    //    Node. This is the angle, along the ecliptic, from the Vernal
    //    Point to the Ascending Node, which is the intersection between
    //    the orbit and the ecliptic, where the planet moves from south
    //    of to north of the ecliptic, i.e. from negative to positive
    //    latitudes.

    // w  (usually written as "small Omega") The angle from the Ascending
    //    node to the Perihelion, along the orbit.

    // P  Orbital period       = 365.256898326 * a**1.5/sqrt(1+m) days,
    //    where m = the mass of the planet in solar masses (0 for
    //    comets and asteroids). sqrt() is the square root function.

    // n  Daily motion         = 360_deg / P    degrees/day

    // t  Some epoch as a day count, e.g. Julian Day Number. The Time
    //    at Perihelion, T, should then be expressed as the same day count.

    // t - T   Time since Perihelion, usually in days

    // M  Mean Anomaly         = n * (t - T)  =  (t - T) * 360_deg / P
    //    Mean Anomaly is 0 at perihelion and 180 degrees at aphelion

    // L  Mean Longitude       = M + w + N

    // E  Eccentric anomaly, defined by Kepler's equation:   M = E - e * sin(E)
    //    An auxiliary angle to compute the position in an elliptic orbit

    // v  True anomaly: the angle from perihelion to the planet, as seen
    //    from the Sun

    // r  Heliocentric distance: the planet's distance from the Sun.

    // x,y,z  Rectangular coordinates. Used e.g. when a heliocentric
    //        position (seen from the Sun) should be converted to a
    //        corresponding geocentric position (seen from the Earth).

    var d = jDate - jd.J2000;

    var w = 282.9404 + 4.70935e-5 * d; // longitude of perihelion
    // var a = 1.000000; // mean distance, a.u.
    var e = 0.016709 - 1.151e-9 * d; // eccentricity
    var M = math.rev(356.047 + 0.9856002585 * d); // mean anomaly

    var oblecl = astro.J2000_OBLIQUITY - 3.563e-7 * d; // obliquity of the ecliptic

    // var L = math.rev(w + M); // Sun's mean longitude

    var E =
        M + math.DEGREES * e * Math.sin(M * math.RADIANS) * (1 + e * Math.cos(M * math.RADIANS)); // eccentric anomaly

    // Sun rectangular coordinates, where the X axis points towards the perihelion
    var x = Math.cos(E * math.RADIANS) - e;
    var y = Math.sin(E * math.RADIANS) * Math.sqrt(1 - e * e);

    var r = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y); // distance
    var v = Math.atan2(y, x) * math.DEGREES; // true anomaly

    var lon = math.rev(v + w); // longitude of the Sun

    // the Sun's ecliptic rectangular coordinates
    x = r * Math.cos(lon * math.RADIANS);
    y = r * Math.sin(lon * math.RADIANS);

    // We use oblecl, and rotate these coordinates
    var xequat = x;
    var yequat = y * Math.cos(oblecl * math.RADIANS);
    var zequat = y * Math.sin(oblecl * math.RADIANS);

    var theta = math.TWO_PI * ((d * 24.0) / 23.9344694 - 259.853 / 360.0); // Siderial spin time

    return Quat.zRotation(-theta).mulVec3(
        new Vec3(
            -xequat * astro.AU_TO_METERS,
            -yequat * astro.AU_TO_METERS,
            zequat * astro.AU_TO_METERS

    // Convert to RA and Decl
    // var RA = Math.atan2(yequat, xequat) * math.DEGREES;
    // var Decl = Math.atan2(zequat, Math.sqrt(xequat * xequat + yequat * yequat)) * math.DEGREES;